Get Listed

We connect Real Estate Agents & Apartment Communites.  We share the same goals – let your property shine to over 154k Licensed Local Real Estate Professionals using the industry’s leading MLS database.

Next level leasing

Intuitive multi-family platform using an essential local MLS Database.

expand your audience

Uncover new renters previously not captured with traditional listing syndications.


Easy process to have your complex access top Realtor’s & Renters.

Leading Advocate for Leasing Professionals. 

All properties listed using MLS will be part of the National Association of Apartment Locators preferred apartment communities.


Reason’s to List on MLS

  • AGENTS –  Your property will be showcased to licensed agents who have thousands of contacts that are in the market to lease an apartment.
  • SIMPLE – Agents prescreen renters, educate, and remove objections so its easier for your leasing staff to close the deal.
  • FREE TRIAL! – It costs nothing to have your property added to the MLS and agents are ONLY paid to produce results.


Send us your units and we’ll take it form there.

Property Insertion

Recent Listings

2 Bedroom


1,119 Sq Ft.  •  2 Available

Oak Court
Houston, TX 77007

Featured Property


1,051 Sq Ft.  •  2 Beds  •  1 Bath

Brandeis Court. #2203
San Antonio, TX 78249

Luxury Community


933 Sq Ft.  •  2 Beds

Foster Ln
Austin, TX 78757

*2 properties limit per managment company. if more is needed please contact us to add additional complexes*

“Traditional methods had worked in the past, but listing of Sabor was easy, free, and targeted local agents which was our goal this year! We appreciate Sabor is finding a way to connect license agents to our communites.

Miranda Voss

Regional Property Manager

“The MLS Database helped our property get seen.  The website if very inuitive, and provdes leasing agents all the information they need to help fill vacancies. We have seen a substantial increase in quality leads for our communites. 

Jessica Garza

Marketing Director


We are here to answer all questions